Sunday, August 17, 2008

Racism Abound Spanish Olympic Team

I am not even going to bother posting the picture on this blog, its needlessly frustrating to look at. Those whom have not already got wind of it by news ought check it out on, appropriately incised, Angry Asian Man culture blogger here.

In all honesty, the photo an incredibly trivial thing to get upset over especially when put up against such atrocities as the Jena 6, the murder of Matthew Shepard, FOX New's repeated "confusion" of Obama with Osama, etc etc. And to make light of it, I remind myself that these events along with the Spanish team photo were all well televised. This means of course that the majority of Americans disprove, which means that I am not alone.

However, the Civil Rights Movement in our country diminished into Multiculturalism and birthed such monsters as Political Correctness, Affirmative Action, and Model Minorities. We still exist in this cultural setup and there is no avenue for improvement. Some people suggest assimilation and point out the many affluent suburbs where rich minorities live side-by-side with rich white folks and together enjoy the American Dream. You know there is something rather disturbing about it all when those communities begin excluding poor Hispanics and Blacks. This is nothing new precisely because the majority of people (as well natured as they might be otherwise) are self centered, fearfully bigoted, and, unduly stressed by our consumer economy, greedy for security. Someone has to be on the bottom in the end.

That being said, it sure as hell is not going to be me and if I gave a damn about the rest of the Asian American population (whom likewise does not give much a damn about each other either), I'd say it might as well not be the folks I get ethnically lumped with either. Lets pause for me to admit that I am being facetious. We Asian Americans, I admit, tend to have a very annoying respect for authority - something I believe is culturally bred into us.

It is not a unique trait to Asian Americans, impoverished, marginalized, and uneducated people tend to have this same problem. It explains why some poor people like voting Republican, why my Asian cowboy boot wearing Uncle argues against Unions while complaining about discrimination, and why I see Hispanics with the Minutemen... Some people seek approval and this implies servility. Americans, however, respect strength and power, which likely explains why 150 years of dumb Asian immigrants working themselves to death building such small things as the railroad and the agricultural economy of California failed to leave a lasting stamp of respect on the American consciousness. Now all I have to inherit from their work is this ol' Slanty Eye or horray, the satisfaction of watching William Hung make it bigtime. She Bang!

The solution is disengagement. The water is much too murky and there are too many meaningless terms to contend with. Confronting the problem through Civil Rights eventually drove it under a rock such that it now pops up once and awhile like Roundup does to superweeds. The reality is that there is no issue at all. Racism and bigotry are cultural inventions. They should not just be ignored, but instead they should be supplanted with humanism - err humor. Rather, you've got to recognize that racism is just a mask for ignorance and insecurity and that behind that is an even more hidden need for your approval. These poor folks are just begging you to help them shake a really bad habit - otherwise why would they be coming to say something to you to begin with? In actuality the absolute worse kind of racism is the secret kind. Stealth Racism.

This is the most positive stance I have come up with over the years. It however, relocates the amorphous battle against racism internally where it has always, unknowingly been fought anyway. Minorities and marginalized people should be so lucky to have the opportunity to fight and rise out of such a challenge as incredibly willful, confident individuals.

Live Free Or Die.

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